“Ngritja e nivelit për punësim dhe mundësi të reja për pjesëtarët e komuniteteve jo shumicë”
iCHAT me mbështetjen e Zyres së Kryeministrit Zyra për Çështje të Komuninteteve ka realizuar projektin: “Ngritja e...
iCHAT me mbështetjen e Zyres së Kryeministrit Zyra për Çështje të Komuninteteve ka realizuar projektin: “Ngritja e...
iCHAT has implemented the project: Promotion of regional socio-economic development and capacity building for entrepreneurship development" supported by the Ministry...
iCHAT is implementing the project: "Developing the capacities and skills of young people through the methodology of informal education, mentoring...
Since the 23rd of July, young Israelis have been staying in Kosovo with the organization of the Qualitative Institute for...
iCHAT has implemented the project " Capacity Building of youth through professional training and career guidance" with the support of...
iCHAT has implemented the project: "Employment support through training, practical work and mentorship in businesses for communities in the Pristina...
iCHAT has implemented the Project "Youth Activation in Prizren". This project is supported by the Municipality of Prizren. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pSIUPIiOYQ
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© 2022 ICHAT-RKS.ORG. Të gjitha të drejtat e rezervuara. Zhvilluar nga Porosit Web